Wednesday, October 10, 2018

GO DAY 2019
Postponed for Future Planning

Well, it's the time of year where Go Day typically happens, and perhaps you are wondering why you haven't heard much talk about it?  Well if that's you, you haven't missed out on anything.  There's actually a reason behind the lack of announcements from the church pulpits and online.  That is because as church leaders we felt it was time for us to pause...take time to seek the heart of God and gain a fresh vision moving forward.

Sure we all loved coming together to serve and thoroughly enjoy any opportunity we get to come and worship collectively as the body of Christ, but it's time to pause and check our course after over a decade of doing Go Day.

The heart of all the pastors in the area is that we don't do things just to do them, but instead we want to know the heart of God, his plans for our area, and stay in step with them.  Meetings for prayer and strategic planning have already been slated and we will let you  know what the new plan(s) is as soon as we do.

Keep your eyes peeled, as we are certain that whatever God shows us to do will be an exciting thing that we get to do in His name!

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